he Foundation’s goal is to add a new dimension of richness to humanity’s understanding of reality. It does this by supporting the work, often collaborative work, of scientists, theologians, philosophers and other scholars, encouraging them to look at the world in fresh ways, and to tackle the biggest and most difficult questions. Are there hints of purpose in the Universe? How did the human spiritual sense evolve? Does human creativity reflect something fundamental about our world? Why is there something rather than nothing?

We realize that such questions like these have proved intractable when approached in the usual ways. But what if they were tackled again by collaborative teams of scientists, theologians and philosophers? What new information or insights are needed before we can make headway?

The Foundation’s approach is complementary to, but different from that which characterizes religious research. Simply put, we emphasize using scientific inquiry to gain new spiritual insights; a philosophy supported by over $36 million dollars in annual grants.