
2007 Local Societies Initiative
Supplemental Grant Awards

2007 Local Societies Initiative Supplemental Grant Awards

The Science-Theology Society of La Plata
Fundación Diálogio Entre Ciencia y Religión (DECYR), La Plata, Argentina

Research Group on the Soul and the New Naturalistic Challenge
Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria

Beijing Center for the Study of Science and Faith
Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
Bioethics Chair Group
Cátedra de Bioetica, Madrid, Spain

The Hyde Park Science and Religion Society
Zygon Center for Religion and Science, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Illinois, USA

Morningside Heights Dialogue on Science and Religion
The Center for the Study of Science and Religion (CSSR), The Earth Institute, Columbia University, New York, USA