Humble Approach Symposia Books |
The Work of Love: Creation as Kenosis
Edited by John Polkinghorne, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2001
Symposium: Love & the Ultimate Nature of Reality |
The Far Future Universe: Eschatology from a Cosmic Perspective
Edited by George F.R. Ellis,
Templeton Foundation Press, 2002
Symposium: The Far-Future Universe: Eschatology from a Cosmic Perspective |
Many Worlds: The New Universe, Extraterrestrial Life & the Theological Implications
Edited by Steven Dick,
Templeton Foundation Press, 2000
Symposium: Many Worlds: The New Universe and its Theological Implications |
From Cells to Souls—and Beyond: Changing Portraits of Human Nature
Edited by Malcolm Jeeves, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2004
Symposium: Mind, Brain
and Personhood |
Evolution and the Capacity for Commitment
Edited by Randolph M. Nesse, Russell Sage Foundation Publications, 2001
Symposium: The Biology of Belief |
In Whom We Live and Move and Have Our Being: Panentheistic Reflections on God’s Presence in a Scientific World
Edited by Philip Clayton and
Arthur Peacocke, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2004
Symposium: Panentheism |
The Link between Religion and Health: Psychoneuroimmunology and the Faith Factor
Edited by Harold G. Koenig
and Harvey J. Cohen,
Oxford University Press USA, 2002
Symposium: Psychoneuroimmunology and the “Faith Factor” in Human Health |
The Re-Emergence of Emergence
Edited by Philip Clayton
and Paul Davies,
Oxford University Press, 2006
Symposium: Emergent Reality |
From Complexity to Life: On the Emergence of Life and Meaning
Edited by Niels Henrik Gregersen,
Oxford University Press USA, 2002
Symposium: Complexity, Information and Design: A Critical Appraisal |
Universe or Multiverse?
Edited by Bernard Carr
Cambridge University Press, 2007
Symposium: Universe or Multiverse? |
Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment
By Martin E.P. Seligman (Paperback),
The Free Press, 2004 (Hardcover),
The Free Press, 2002
Symposium: Evolution, Purpose and Meaning |
The Deep Structure of Biology
Edited by Simon Conway Morris,
Templeton Foundation Press, 2008
Symposium: Purpose in Evolution |
Studies in World Christianity (Volume 6 Part 2)
Edited by James P. Mackey, Edinburgh University Press, 2000
Symposium: Science and Theological Imagination in Science Fiction |
The Work of the Spirit: Academic Pneumatology and Pentecostalism
Edited by Michael Welker, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2006
Symposium: Pneumatology: Exploring the Work of the Spirit from Contemporary Perspectives |
The Psychology of Gratitude
Edited by Robert A. Emmons
and Michael E. McCullough,
Oxford University Press USA, 2004
Symposium: Kindling the Science of Gratitude |