
Sophia-Iberia in Europe
Sophia-Iberia in Europe

Sophia-Iberia in Europe (SIE) is a project promoted by the chair of science, technology and religion, which is part of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería, at the Universidad Comillas, Madrid. The Universidad Comillas-Madrid is a private university run by the Society of Jesus. The objective of SIE is that international reflection on science and religion increase in the Hispanic-Portuguese-Latin American cultural environment, and that this culture should make its own original contribution to enrich the common heritage of international discussion on science, technology and religion which the Foundation has widely promoted in diverse parts of the world.
The SIE program began in February 2007 and embraces three main events over three years. The first was an online workshop open until April 2008. In September 2007, a face-to-face workshop in coordination with the online workshop took place. The second event, during the second year of the program is an online academic seminar with Hispanic, Portuguese and European professors, whose orientation will depend on the results of the workshop. The third event during the final year of the program will be a second online seminar, again with Hispanic, Portuguese and European professors. There are other complementary events such as participation in Euroscience Barcelona 2008, seminars coordinated with the program, lectures, and research team activity on the same themes. Finally, the material and the work done will give rise to a number of publications which will record the concluding results.