University/College Project for Science-Religion (UPSR)

a project of IISR (Indian Institute of Science and Religion), Pune, India.
This program is an attempt to build upon the achievements of IISR by capitalizing
on the wide experience gained. It aims at deepening and broadening the
scope and domain of science-religion dialogue, thus pursuing a key Templeton
objective, taking it directly to the university/college centers of India
by organizing a variety of programs, collaborating with like-minded organizations
and evolving innovative programs of its own.

UPSR is helping to set up new local centers in various parts of India so
that science-religion dialogue becomes a truly national movement, and encouraging
research by university/college/major seminary professors. It is also building
up a core group of scholars in the field, as well as taking science-religion
dialogue to the wider public, particularly to non-Christian and non-urban
centers. UPSR helps scholars keep abreast of science-religion developments
in the international arena by participating in international programs and
interacting with international organizations.

The program is also organizing seminars and conferences, including an annual
international symposium in which representatives from the local centers
and other scholars participate. It is developing university/college level
courses in science-religion dialogue and preparing textbooks.
UPSR offers
a fellowship to a scholar who has distinguished himself in the field of
science and religion in India and scholarships to a maximum of four Indian
scholars to attend international/national conferences in the area of science-religion,
besides supporting three or four science-religion conferences in different
parts of India. Its goal is to transform science-religion interface into
a national movement to build a better world, particularly in the multi-religious,
multi-cultural, and multi-racial fabric of India.