Science and Orthodoxy: Research and Education in

on the success of the “Science and Religion in Romania” program (2004-2006)
and of “Science and Religion in Romania: A Bridge Project” (2006), the
aim of this program is to establish the field of science and religion in
the academic and media landscape in Romania and to have a knock-on effect
in neighboring Orthodox countries. It is primarily focused on the development
of research and education in science and religion at a national level and
on a number of publications and media activities.

In particular, this project is contributing to opening the field of science
and religion within the Romanian Orthodox Church, many of whose highest
authorities are involved. Six local groups based in the main university
towns (Bucharest, Cluj, Constantza, Craioxa, Iasi, and Ploiesti) are working
towards an intensification of this dialogue, which the Foundation wishes
to encourage.
The program also has an international dimension, aiming to make Romania
a leader in the development of this field in neighboring countries. More
than 130 researchers from science and theology, and post-doctoral students
are participating in this project. The program is supported by many eminent
Romanians, including the President of the Academy and high-ranking Orthodox

A number
of books—both original and in translation—as well as a journal,
and Religion, are being published. Transdisciplinary studies are
being advanced, with an international board and media campaigns relating
to the field of science and religion. The new Institute for Advanced Studies
of Science and Orthodoxy—IASSO—will promote academic research for young
people in Romania and neighboring countries.